This Artist Use Color Figuration To Enhance Her Amazing Art

For a picture to speak a thousand words, the artist should be skillful and creative enough to embed, stories, emotion, and many more things into their art. They are creative, versatile, and have an amazing amount of artistic ability to express themselves through art. Among different sorts and forms of art in the world, this article brings you another different type of artist.

All the way from Korea this artist is known as Soey Milk and she is known for her surrealism using figurative art. Figurative, is art that is based on real beings or things. If you still do not quite understand it. Let us explain. Her style is oil on many things! Most of the artists go for oil on canvas or one standard setup. But she wants to put her art in various sorts of surfaces to see how the colors play out. Using a range of contrasting colors, her art catches the eye of the audience very quickly.



The vibrant and contrasting color choices and combinations bring out the surrealistic nature of her artwork. This makes her art surrealistic and figurative at the same time. She has done a lot of amazing artwork on different sorts of surfaces while handling all of them like a boss.


Peaking of subjects, she prefers to draw women and a lot of textiles. Clothing and other fabrics are an often seen sight in her art, while the women are a combination of her memory and creativity. The relationship that women share with different types of fabric is projected here because a lot of the art of Soey has women and clothing.






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